Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011


Kelong is the one of the fish shelter catches on the sea before the fish carried to the land, the shape like a house that build above the sea. beside for fish shelter kelong also useful for resting place for the fisherman after they work one night to catched the fish, in bintan most of the people are fisherman. so, we can find many kelong in this area. therefore its easy to find the fresh fish and other sea catches in bintan, beside for catch the fish the people aslo use kelong for catch the cuttlefish, they only use lamp and net to catch the cuttlefish. lamp useful to make the cuttlefish come and approaced the kelong with the brightest light of the lamp after that they use net to netted the cuttlefish, how easy, right !! only this i know about kelong, later if i have the new information i'll tell to all of you. thanks for read my blog. regards

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