Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

impossible is nothing

if you dare to dream 85 percent of your dream was come true and the 15 percent is your efforts to achieve your own dream. that's sentence make more spirit and motivated me to prove it. i dont want my life become a general life but i want more, i want become a someone who that can show to the public to be a succes person is not difficult. i always remember my lecture said " imposible is nothing" that's word so amazing. he have been prove that word and now he already become a succes person. i want to keep in my mind about that word, althought later i must finishing my bond,its not a problem, many can i get after that. i believe in god that he will give the better way for me and all my friend that struggle to get our dream. one day, we will meet again with our own succes and later we can show our beautiful smile to the public. God Bless us. " YOU WILL BE A CRUISE CAPTAIN ADHIE" believe it.

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