Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

impossible is nothing

if you dare to dream 85 percent of your dream was come true and the 15 percent is your efforts to achieve your own dream. that's sentence make more spirit and motivated me to prove it. i dont want my life become a general life but i want more, i want become a someone who that can show to the public to be a succes person is not difficult. i always remember my lecture said " imposible is nothing" that's word so amazing. he have been prove that word and now he already become a succes person. i want to keep in my mind about that word, althought later i must finishing my bond,its not a problem, many can i get after that. i believe in god that he will give the better way for me and all my friend that struggle to get our dream. one day, we will meet again with our own succes and later we can show our beautiful smile to the public. God Bless us. " YOU WILL BE A CRUISE CAPTAIN ADHIE" believe it.

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011


Kelong is the one of the fish shelter catches on the sea before the fish carried to the land, the shape like a house that build above the sea. beside for fish shelter kelong also useful for resting place for the fisherman after they work one night to catched the fish, in bintan most of the people are fisherman. so, we can find many kelong in this area. therefore its easy to find the fresh fish and other sea catches in bintan, beside for catch the fish the people aslo use kelong for catch the cuttlefish, they only use lamp and net to catch the cuttlefish. lamp useful to make the cuttlefish come and approaced the kelong with the brightest light of the lamp after that they use net to netted the cuttlefish, how easy, right !! only this i know about kelong, later if i have the new information i'll tell to all of you. thanks for read my blog. regards

roll on and roll off (RoRo Ship)

Roro ship is the one of the sea transportation that have main purpose to cross the human or public transport from one island to the other island. as well as on the bintan island, the people use this transportation to connect betwen bintan island and batam island so they more easy to carry their car or motorcycle. voyage from bintan island to batam spent one hour fifteen minutes, all the crew of this vessel is very kind, they know how to serve the poeple betterly. so, you will feel comfortable to sail with this vessel. and now this vessel has been sailed around 4 years. and for you who want to visit bintan island dont forget to try sail with this vessel okay !!! thanks all....

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

pesiar on september 2011

this day is very great, coz, for this moment i with my friend back to our home town in riau archipelago. we used our uniform. how proudly i was at the time. he...he...he.... and i wait for the next homecoming.

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

my great mom....

she is a strong woman who always give me support and push me to stand up and get what i want to be, although i ever make her disappointed, sad and even make her cry of me but, her loved to me never end.
now, when i far from her i realize how important my mother for me, i regrets ever make her disappointed of me, oh mom..... please forgive me. i promise i will never make you sad again,  i want to always make you happy and proud of me. later, when i have been get what i want, i will give the better for you. hopefully, God give you longevity and you can spend your old time with your  beautiful smile. love you mom....

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

my future vessel

oasis of the seas is the big cruise in the world, now the capten name is capt willian bright and for the next i will be the next capten of this vessel, i believe it. one day i will stand on the bridge and salling to around the world.

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

at trikora with all scholars

lebaran ke 2 di bulan september 2011 lalu kami mengunjungi pantai yang indah dimana disana kita dapat menikmati hamparan pasir putih yang membentang di sepanjang pantai trikora dan di hiasi laut biru muda yang menyenangkan hati. tempat ini sungguh membuat ku amat terkagum dengan betapa besarnya ciptaan Tuhan.