Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Bandung, when the last of january we visit this place, so cold but interesting and all of the people there are kindly and friendly. and when we back to semarang we have a bad accident. and this accident unforgetable by us. 

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Madah Kencana Futsal Club, ini lah salah satu kegiatan mengisi kekosongan dan kegalauan Taruna yang tinggal di asrama hampir setiap hari kami berlatih dengan penuh semangatnya dan bersaing dengan club yang lain untuk menjadi pemenang... tak jarang kami kalah dan juga tak jarang kami menang pula. setiap bertanding untuk menambah semangat permainan biasanya kami taruhan dengan cara siapa yang kalah maka taruhannya mereka akan membayar lapangan full dan club yang menang akan mendapatkan 5 fanta dan 3 susu.

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

 this foto remind me when we celebrate the chrismast day at Akademi Maritim Nasional Indonesia Semarang. exactly in my colledge, this is the crew of IKKB bacth 48. we take photo together with mr mamil our senior.
we can see who used baret ( in indonesia we call it ). hmmm.... i will introduction to you who inside this photo.
start from the up right. he is Frt leonardus jhonny, we ussualy call him fret, it strange, right ! ha....ha...ha... (kidding) and beside him, he is roganda sirait, we call him roganda. after him, he is rizon situmorang, his style like a dash boy. beside him, he is awy simamora. next, beside him, he is leonardo simanjuntak. he is the explorer, he like to make an adventure likes tour to somewhere, and he ever do touring from semarang to bali, according him, touring is a challenge and something that can me us interested and corious to visit somewhere by our own motorcycle. he..he... beside him , he is aditya. he is the one who make our christmast celebration become succed, he maintain all of the stuff we need. when his crewmember require something, he do that directly and find that thing rapidly, he is a good leader. and now on the right down, he is zulvu. heheheh..... how lucky his name ! but, he also the man who make this celebration succes, beside him, ????????????? he is me ( efebryadi silalahi ). my friends believe in me to handle the computer become the operator who operate and show the lyric of the song on the screen to me our guest singing easly. beside me she is widi, i thought you suprise , right ! because she look like a gentle. beside her, she is yohana lumbanbatu, she is a good presenter ever there at AMNI. beside her, he is our seniot that i ever told you, he is mr mamil. beside him, she is monica silviava, the nautical cadet. after her, he is ukie and the last he is yesia. here we are to make ikatan kristen kampus biru (IKKB ) more better than before. thanks for you attention.
GOD bless Us. ( Merry Christmast 2011 and Happy New Year 2012)